Timeline: A Nuclear Crisis Unfolds In Japan
A timeline of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, which has leaked radiation since it was damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.(Image credit: AP)
View ArticleBird's-Eye View Of Japan's Stricken Nuclear Plant Shows Vast Damage
Aerial photographs of the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan show just how badly the facility was damaged by the earthquake, tsunami, explosions and fires.(Image credit: Air Photo...
View ArticleGot Radiation? Only Harmless Traces Found In U.S. Milk
The FDA found a small amount of radioactive iodine in milk from Spokane, Wash., but experts and officials agree that the amount is far from dangerous. If anything, the news is just evidence that U.S....
View ArticleAfter Fukushima, The 'Nuclear People' Emerge
Most of the time, the nuclear world is a quiet, hidden-from-sight community of scientists and engineers. But when a disaster like Japan's happens, they are called on to explain what went wrong.(Image...
View ArticleRapid Response Radiation Team Tends To Wounded
Within hours of learning of damage to the Japanese nuclear power plant, a team of physicians and radiation health experts sprang into action. They've been treating injured workers and providing expert...
View ArticleRadioactive Water Dumped From Japan Nuclear Plant
The operator of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant began intentionally releasing radioactive water into the ocean. The company says the release is necessary to bring the plant's nuclear...
View ArticleHow Safe Is Safe Enough? To Engineers, It Depends
"Safe" isn't a defined engineering term. Planners must decide, based on risks and probabilities, how safe they want to make something — whether it's an airplane, bridge, or nuclear power plant. But...
View ArticleIn Wake Of Nuclear Crisis, TEPCO's Plans Questioned
Experts say that in the weeks following the series of explosions and fires inside the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant, TEPCO made very costly — and avoidable — mistakes. The company,...
View ArticleIn Japan, Shaken Soil Turned Soft After Quake
The violent shaking from Japan's March 11 earthquake stirred up the soil, leading to broken water pipes, tilted utility poles and manholes that popped out of the ground. The phenomenon, known as...
View ArticleWhy More Shaking Is In Japan's Near Future
Japan was rocked Thursday by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake just off its coast. Technically, that strong shaking was an aftershock of the devastating 9.0 temblor that hit the nation nearly a month ago. But...
View ArticleCleaning Up Fukushima: A Challenge To The Core
The Japanese government raised its assessment of the crisis at Japan's stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant to the highest possible level. And it could take more than 10 years and $10...
View ArticleFukushima Vs. Chernobyl: Still Not Equal
Though Fukushima and Chernobyl are both level 7 nuclear accidents, the consequences in Japan to date are much less severe. In part, that's because far more radiation was released at Chernobyl.(Image...
View ArticleReports: Why Things Fell Apart At Fukushima Plant
In new reports, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Japanese government highlight the hazardous working conditions, lack of communication and last-ditch efforts by workers to contain...
View ArticleWhat Went Wrong In Fukushima: The Human Factor
Japanese officials already have concluded that the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant was not designed to withstand the 40-foot tsunami that hit it on March 11. But different decisions early in the...
View ArticleCommission: U.S. Must Make Nuclear Plants Safer
In the aftermath of the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says American nuclear reactors need new safeguards to ensure that the kind of...
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